Scenario - the course of the feast:

sacrificium saeculare ludique

<1.6. = Kal.Iun.
by night, second hour (1)

1. animal sacrifice to the Moerae in campo ad Tiberim (= Tarentum);
2. "a newly composed hymn" (Zos.: correctly?);
3. ludi Latini in scaena, without theatre, without sedilia; they continue until the next day;
4. Sellisternium of 110 Matronae for Iuno and Diana.

by day

5. animal sacrifice to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitol;
6. sellisternia;
7. ludi Latini to Apollo and Diana.

by night

8. sacrifice of cereals to the Ilithyai at the Tarentum; (2)

2.6. = IV Nonas Iun.
by day

9. animal sacrifice to Iuno Regina on the Capitol; (3)
10. prayer of the 110 matronae to Iuno Regina;
11. ludi;

by night

12. animal sacrifice to Terra Mater at the Tarentum;
13. sellisternia;

3.6. = III Nonas Iun.
by day

14. sacrifice of cereals to Apollo and Diana on the Palatine hill; (4)
15. carmen sung by two times 27 pueri et puellae on the Palatine hill, later on the Capitol;
16. end of the ludi scaenici; start of cheerful performances at the close of the ludi solemnes.

4.6. = pridie Nonas Iun.
dies intermissus


(1) acta, line 84; 90 ff.; Zos. 2,5,3.
(2) Horace has changed the sequence of Ilithya and Moerae.
(3) Not on the Aventine!
(4) Maybe for Leto too, since there are three times nine, i.e. 27 pieces of cake.

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